Our Water
Aquifer Research and Reports
Each year the Panola County GCD staff compiles an annual report that summarizes the District’s activities that year, as well as addresses how it met the requirements of the Management Plan. Below are the annual reports from years past. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you need any more information.
The Panola County GCD is in the process of studying and characterizing our groundwater resources. For several years now, the PCGCD has worked with hydrogeological consultants to determine the size, quality, and productivity of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer here. These studies are aimed at quantifying how much groundwater we have now, setting a groundwater quality benchmark, and predicting how the aquifer will change with current and future groundwater use. All of this information will help the PCGCD make informed, scientifically-based decisions about the desired future conditions (DFCs) for Panola County.
In the links below are the reports submitted to the PCGCD from hydrogeological consultants. Feel free to contact us about the content of these reports.
Please allow plenty of download time as these are large documents. We appreciate your patience!
2019 Study – Baseline groundwater quality report for Panola County. Synthesizes and displays data from multiple sources including the Texas Water Development Board, US Geological Survey, research studies, and public water utilities. Also evaluates the concentrations using EPA drinking water standards.
2017 Study – Selected excerpts from a study involving well interference which was used to support the District’s well spacing rule change.
2015 Aquifer Study – This report covers the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer’s structure, geological background, hydraulic properties, and responses to pumping.
2013 Aquifer Study – This report covers the technical background about Panola County’s groundwater resources and provides information about the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer’s thickness, water quality, and water levels.
Groundwater Level Map – This document is related to the 2013 aquifer study, and it shows groundwater level depths throughout Panola County in feet below ground.